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datorita noului update de la steam(datorita caruia merge cs 1.6 k o cizma) am observat k nu-mi mai pot pune cs 1.6 de la steam sa ruleze pe placa video dedicata de la laptop ci ruleaza automat pe placa video integrata...
un acer 5742g...please help meeee :-s
aceasi problema o am si eu, tot pe laptop.. (non-steam ma lasa sa-l pun pe placa video dedicata, la steam nu ma lasa sa aleg..)

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If you have a laptop that supports the NVIDIA Optimus technology, here is how you fix possibly fps problems caused by CS no longer being detected as "Counter-Strike" by NVIDIA, but instead as hl.exe (which is ran by the onboard Intel video card):

You need to add "hl.exe" as a game in NVIDIA control panel's program settings (under 3D settings), and change the preferred graphics processor to NVIDIA. If it's blocked, you need to use NVIDIA Inspector ( to fix it.

After adding "hl.exe", load up NVIDIA Inspector and click on the driver settings button (with a wrench on it) in the middle of the program, next to your driver version. Also make sure you close NVIDIA control panel at this time.

Find "Half Life" from the drop down menu, and then scroll down to "enable application optimus option" and set it to "SHIM_RENDERING_MODE_ENABLE" and click apply settings.

Open up NVIDIA control panel again, change the setting to "NVIDIA" and click apply. For me this reverted the setting and made it greyed out again, but once I re-did the fix on NVIDIA inspector, it stayed as "NVIDIA" and my fps issues were (at least seemingly/so far) fixed.
varianta 1.
din nvidia panel -> 3d settings -> alege prima data directorul unde ai executabilul hl.exe dai add la tot directorul, dai apply dupa care inchizi si deschizi intri iar si pui de data asta doar hl.exe (atentie nu trebuie sa ai cs sau steam deschis)

varianta 2.
folosesti Nvidia Inspector download -> ,in dreptul la Driver Version ai buton cu tools(surubelnita si o cheie) dai click pe el, cauti in lista "Enable application for Optimus", si schimbi SHIM_RENDERING_MODE_ID(sau automatic) in SHIM_RENDERING_MODE_ENABLE dupa care dai "Apply changes" in dreapta sus.(atentie nu trebuie sa ai Nvidia panel deschis)
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[Image: 21s7sifhc1p.png]
nu am reusit, tot asa imi arata...
nu ai cum sa nu reusesti...merge garantat 100% asa am patit si eu si la mine a mers...trebuie doar sa urmezi instructiunile scrise sa cauti enable application optimus option si sa-l schimbi in SHIM_RENDERING_MODE_ENABLE dai apply apoi knd intri in nvidia control pannel iti da placa video de la nvidia
care ma poate ajuta: am instalat steam-ul am urmat urmatorii pasi imi merge bine dar nu imi merge consola ... apas pe consola si nu imi apare nimic :||
vezi k e posibil sa ai windowsul setat pe limba romana,caz in care consola de la cs face figuri...

Problema e des intalnita pe internet, cel putin la utilizatorii de w7.Singura rezolvare care a functionat 100% la toata lumea este sa faci setarile pe US english.poate ai setat pe English (International) sau English (United Kingdom)
trebuie setat pe English (United States) US(default)
Mersii Multtt :X
asta e rezolvarea intr-adevar, gg kento pentru promptitudine.

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