09-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Poate is eu nebuna dar de knd is eu neam cu el sa vb asa?Pe mn una ma deranjeaza sa vb asa un copil care are 1.90 m
cand am sa ii permit atunci e ok
atat vreau sa stiu daca e om cu cap sau are capul ca sa nu il ploua in gat
DEAD* leVel : go cow go
*** TriGger^ killed leVel with a headshot from awp ***
TriGger^ killed Codyk with awp
-r3dDoG- : si mie ? :,(
Codyk : lol
*** -r3dDoG- killed Codyk with a headshot from awp ***
* Killed by TriGger^ with awp @ 41m (100hp, 100ap) >> rightarm: 1
*** -r3dDoG- killed madicu with a headshot from awp ***
* You hit TriGger^ 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
azZeR killed leVel with awp
Codyk : de knd imi zi
*DEAD* leVel : =))...drept de autor?
*bREAk_dANCe* connected
Codyk killed -r3dDoG- with awp
* Careful! You've died 3 rounds in a row now...
* Careful! You've died 3 rounds in a row now...
Codyk : da
ADMIN leVel: vote custom
-r3dDoG- killed - S a [V] v Y ? ? ? with awp
leVel voted for option #1
Welcome to CS.U-S.RO FREE GAME SERVER -- Jucatorii si ADMINII sunt rugati sa se inregistreze pe forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro">http://forum.u-s.ro</a><!-- m -->
Jucatorii si ADMINII sunt rugati sa se inregistreze pe forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro">http://forum.u-s.ro</a><!-- m -->
TriGger^ voted for option #2
*** -r3dDoG- killed Codyk with a headshot from awp ***
azZeR voted for option #1
-r3dDoG- voted for option #1
Voting successful (got "3") (needed "3"). The result: codyk cow? - da
* Killed by -r3dDoG- with awp @ 29m (100hp, 100ap) >> head: 1
*bREAk_dANCe* killed -r3dDoG- with awp
* You hit -r3dDoG- 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
*DEAD* leVel : a iesit la vot

DEAD* leVel : go cow go
*** TriGger^ killed leVel with a headshot from awp ***
TriGger^ killed Codyk with awp
-r3dDoG- : si mie ? :,(
Codyk : lol
*** -r3dDoG- killed Codyk with a headshot from awp ***
* Killed by TriGger^ with awp @ 41m (100hp, 100ap) >> rightarm: 1
*** -r3dDoG- killed madicu with a headshot from awp ***
* You hit TriGger^ 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
azZeR killed leVel with awp
Codyk : de knd imi zi
*DEAD* leVel : =))...drept de autor?

*bREAk_dANCe* connected
Codyk killed -r3dDoG- with awp
* Careful! You've died 3 rounds in a row now...
* Careful! You've died 3 rounds in a row now...
Codyk : da
ADMIN leVel: vote custom
-r3dDoG- killed - S a [V] v Y ? ? ? with awp
leVel voted for option #1
Welcome to CS.U-S.RO FREE GAME SERVER -- Jucatorii si ADMINII sunt rugati sa se inregistreze pe forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro">http://forum.u-s.ro</a><!-- m -->
Jucatorii si ADMINII sunt rugati sa se inregistreze pe forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro">http://forum.u-s.ro</a><!-- m -->
TriGger^ voted for option #2
*** -r3dDoG- killed Codyk with a headshot from awp ***
azZeR voted for option #1
-r3dDoG- voted for option #1
Voting successful (got "3") (needed "3"). The result: codyk cow? - da
* Killed by -r3dDoG- with awp @ 29m (100hp, 100ap) >> head: 1
*bREAk_dANCe* killed -r3dDoG- with awp
* You hit -r3dDoG- 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
*DEAD* leVel : a iesit la vot