Full Version: Clan Sort
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This plugin allows admins to sort all of a clan to one team and everyone else to the other

amx_clanct - <clan> will switch all with an exact clan tag match to the CT team
amx_clant - <clan> will switch all with an exact clan tag match to the TERRORIST team

Problems: If a user not in the clan and has the tag in their name, it will switch them too the clan team also.

Also, if someone in ur clan is wearing their tag wrong, tell them to fix it b4 u try it, it is not CaSe SeNsAtIvE

Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/clansort.sma">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/clansort.sma</a><!-- m --> Sursa
Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/clansort.amxx">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/clansort.amxx</a><!-- m --> Compilat