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this is the amx version of realism ported to amxx, but it has several gameplay issues fixed (the deagle was hurting people when they shot it? woah) For most of you unfamiliar with it:

this is the plugin cs realism. Its basically a mod that adds certain elements to the game that some people have wanted for a long time but nobody ever did or consolidated into something of a playable nature. Well... this is an attempt at that. This is CS Realism, and as the name implies it tries to put more aspects into the gameplay to make it follow a more realistic nature. This is v.1.0 of the release and it probably still has some major bugs and gameplay issues in it since I've only been able to test it on bots. Heres what it does:

-remember amx_realmenu, its the command for the command menu which you will need
-all weapons except for the "wildcard" weapons (shotguns and para) are inaccurate until you purchase training for them. They will act as they normally do in CS after you have trained yourself for a weapon type twice. Wildcard weapons come with free training.
-getting shot in the legs will slow you down to a point. getting shot in the arms will periodically throw off your aim, and the more times your shot the worse it gets. Some people might mistake this for a broken mouse.
-you have stamina and will become fatigued. If you run around you will you slow down in speed and wont jump as high. You also will take more damage from higher falls.
-Sniper weapons have a black-out that can be decreased by sniper training.
-getting shot in the head or by taking serious damage will cause you to bleed to death. Friendlies can heal you if they purchased medical training by getting near you and healing you. Being healed will stopped the bleeding, but will recover no health. You cannot heal yourself. While getting healed, you cannot move. If your health hits 1, you will slip into coma and die. Yes, you even lose your vision just before it happens.
-You get additional money for kills and lose money for dieing.
-various other rules apply but those are the major points. Seriously it took a very long time to get the "recoil" to at least be somewhat decent and be the least buggy.

Known issues:
-the difference between not being trained and only bein half trained isn't very significant or sometimes being half trained is worse for certain weapons.
-bleeding to death will override the sniper blackout
-you can move while planting the bomb

That said, I think the mod is very playable and it hasnt crashed my test server (with bots!) for any of the recent times I used it. Then again I never was able to test things such as having two people heal the same guy at the same time or other things I cant get bots to do.

credit goes to many authors, including the maker of the amx_gore plugin, amx_kickback, and many others that I used for references to help me make this plugin.

CTs can now pick up the bomb. When they do pick it up, they begin to disable the bomb completely so it cannot be reused. This takes the same amount of time as the c4 timer (so it varies based on what mp_c4timer is set to). If the CTs disarm the bomb by this manner, they will win the match. If the CTs disarm the bomb by this manner and no connected player is dead, then all the Ts are executed. If a CT picks up the bomb, he cannot switch to it. He can, however, drop the bomb from the console if he wishes. Thus, a CT cannot plant the bomb, and then defuse it. CTs get 300 dollars for disabling the bomb in this manner.

That said, terrorists should be EXTREMELY careful to not let the bomb fall into the hands of the CTs, as you cant even tell who has the bomb once a CT steals it- the red dot will show up where the bomb was last dropped. Teamplay should be adjusted so the player with the bomb never has to go alone nor goes first.

-minor bug fixes (fixed smg xtra inaccuracy when training is tier 2)

v. 1.3-

CT victory now only requires fakefull module (required in other words!), will no longer do any of the wierd things nor will slay T team if they give up the bomb to the cts. Likewise, once a CT picks up the bomb, periodically the sound of him messing with the backpack will play, giving off his location (is about as loud as footsteps).

v. 1.4-
-various bugs squashed
-added extra recoil for certain weapons under certain circumstances (shotguns now incur additional recoil if your jumping or falling or something when you shoot with it).
-first attempt at fixing speed problems associated with players moving too fast for things such as shields or the sniper rifles(might have introduced more bugs by accident, haven't really payed too much attention because its late and I cant test this any more)
-dead players will now drop their grenades which can be picked up

v. 1.5-
-fixed a few bugs or gameplay issues
-got burst inaccuracy working
-reduced range of healing
-increased accuracy of tier 1 trained weapons (untrained is tier 0)
-fixed bug that occured when player joined and was spawned after round start
-added amxx_realism_enable cvar- 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (note, hasn't been tested to seen if it cleans itself up properly under all conditions, so in general change this between map changes just after a round start or you may *possibly* (I tried to make it so this wouldnt happen, but I cant test this) have players that are stuck with +lookup or +lookdown,ect. on (turning on the mod then turning it off should fix this though).
-removed all unused variables

-for some reason the checks that made sure that you werent wounded for falling a great distance if you didn't take damage were taken out in an earlier version and I just noticed it, so I re-added them so you can now jump into the water on de_aztec without taking a leg injury (not realistic but more of a gameplay issue that would drag the game down)
-fixed embarressing amxx_realism_enable behaving horribly bug (I was using the wrong return type)
-added readme file to better explain the plugin
-did more testing and everything seems really good and fun and stuff, you guys should really check this out now, its interesting how the scout can be a beginning weapon for sniping players (since its very expensive to get the awp and be trained at it) and the shotguns are good support weapons which you can use to hit people in the arms and legs to cripple them and eventually kill them. Likewise, people can help support their team by becoming the grenading medic now rather than trying for kills just like everyone else. The para is also somewhat of a good deal, considering being fully trained with the colt now costs $4700 (not including ammo)

-completely redid recoil to be authentic (no more bouncing!!!)
-gave autosnipers more recoil, depending on training
-getting shot in the arms will cause you to stumble your weapon momentarily (same with falling)
-added amxx_realism_cscz cvar to enable/disable grenades being left behind
-some minor bug fixes and adjustments to compensate for latest update

Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/realism.zip">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/realism.zip</a><!-- m -->
Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/fakefull_1_1_">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/fakefull_1_1_</a><!-- m -->[1].6.1_package.zip