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Salut is D&G
Nu stiu cine ii da in ziua de 3-03-2009 da mi se pare k avea admin si face exces de el in urmatoarele :

*DEAD* (1)ionutz : we caremi da si mie wall si aim ca shtiu ca aveti

flavius killed Resay with aug
*GUZ* killed Sido with awp
*DEAD* (1)ionutz : pls

flavius killed *GUZ* with aug
* Killed by c@L1n with m4a1 @ 8m (100hp, 0ap) >> stomach: 1
*** putex killed (1)ionutz with a headshot from m249 ***
*GUZ* dropped
*GUZ* has left the game
*GUZ* connected
c@L1n killed flavius with m4a1
*GUZ* is joining the Terrorist force
* You hit c@L1n 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
*DEAD* Visator : Smile)

*** c@L1n killed beuz59 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* D&G : vezi sa nu iti dea ban in loc de wall ,)

*DEAD* Visator : guz trece pe langa tine

c@L1n killed D&G with m4a1
tigan_nebun killed flavius with sg552
(1)ionutz killed tigan_nebun with m4a1
(1)ionutz : mata we

D&G (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
* Killed by c@L1n with m4a1 @ 16m (39hp, 0ap) >> stomach: 1 leftarm: 1
*** putex killed (1)ionutz with a headshot from m249 ***
Jucatorii si ADMINII sunt rugati sa se inregistreze pe forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro">http://forum.u-s.ro</a><!-- m -->
* You hit c@L1n 2 time(s), 61 damage >> leftarm: 1 rightleg: 1
Sido killed Resay with sg552
*** Sido killed c@L1n with a headshot from sg552 ***
ADMIN Sido: Has Gagged (1)ionutz From Speaking For 0 Minutes, For: You Were Gagged For Not Following The Rules ( )
The Rules ( )
putex killed Sido with m249
ADMIN: (1)ionutz Is No Longer Gagged
(1)ionutz (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
c@L1n killed D&G with m4a1
*GUZ* killed Sido with awp
*DEAD* D&G : ce ai ma suferinta ?

*GUZ* killed flavius with awp
beuz59 killed Resay with m4a1
* Careful! You've died 2 rounds in a row now...
(1)ionutz killed tigan_nebun with sg552
*** *GUZ* killed (1)ionutz with a

*GUZ* killed flavius with awp
beuz59 killed Resay with m4a1
* Careful! You've died 2 rounds in a row now...
(1)ionutz killed tigan_nebun with sg552
*** *GUZ* killed (1)ionutz with a headshot from glock18 ***
*** beuz59 killed c@L1n with a headshot from m4a1 ***
* Killed by c@L1n with m4a1 @ 13m (100hp, 0ap) >> leftleg: 1 rightleg: 1
* You hit c@L1n 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
Visator killed beuz59 with m4a1
* Careful! You've died 3 rounds in a row now...
*GUZ* killed flavius with awp
(1)ionutz : mai prost daca nu tiai dat seama astai server de codati

Resay killed D&G with m4a1
ADMIN Sido: Has Gagged (1)ionutz From Speaking For 0 Minutes, For: You Were Gagged For Not Following The
Rules ( )
Resay killed Sido with m4a1
putex killed beuz59 with m249
(1)ionutz : si vreau si yo

*GUZ* killed (1)ionutz with awp
Jucatorii si ADMINII sunt rugati sa se inregistreze pe forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro">http://forum.u-s.ro</a><!-- m -->
ADMIN: (1)ionutz Is No Longer Gagged
* Killed by Resay with m4a1 @ 32m (100hp, 0ap) >> stomach: 1
ADMIN Sido: Has Gagged (1)ionutz From Speaking For 0 Minutes, For: You Were Ga

ADMIN: (1)ionutz Is No Longer Gagged
*** D&G killed *GUZ* with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** beuz59 killed tigan_nebun with a headshot from m4a1

Cine ii asta nu stiu :| da na...poate stie cineva.....
ce fel de exces face? :roll:


si care e reclamatia?=))))))))))).LOW!
si tie ce ti-a facut d&g vad ca nu a avut treba cu tine. Smile) pt ce faci tu reclamatie???
eram pe server si eu si sido:|la ce face el reclamatie si care este scopul acestei reclamtii numai el stie:|
el probabil face reclamatie pentru ca sido l-o tinut pe unu in gag asta constat eu din ce o zis.
sa lasam vorba ca nu suntem la bar, sa vedem ce zic si ceilalti admini
Ma tu nu vezi k ala injura si i se da gag si el sil scoate esti orb ?(X(X(X


taci ca esti degeaba! Cu Dumnezeu inainte! Tu nu stii sa citesti? scrie 0 minute! Si pana la urma care e treaba ta in toata afacerea asta?
Gag de 0 sec (nu stiu de ce i sa mai dat..da fie )...la felul cum vorbeste slay pana se potoleste sau daca are ip static BAN..
d&g mio spus pe mess k respectivul ionut a primit gag de la Sido si si l-a scos singur...crezand k era un admin cu alt nick a primit gag si profitand de un bug si-a schimbat numele de admin primind acces la toate comezile dar ramanand pe nickul initial si de aia i-am spus sa faca reclamatie

oriqm dak dai gag dc dai gag 0?...ma rog...a fost doar o confuzie

gata subiectu, Topic Closed sa nu se ajunga la cearta si sa va dau warn la toti Smile)

bafta :*