Full Version: Auto Map Change On Not Empty/EmptyServer
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Don't really know what to call it, so I simply named it "Auto Map Change On Not Empty/EmptyServer"...

My modification/simmilarity is:
- Changes map when server is empty (same as 1.42)
- Changes map when not empty any more (unique)
- Changes mp_timelimit depending on empty/not empty (unique)
- With this you can have a "trash map" for false statistics (unique)

I did it to prevent the server to do map cycles without players, so that I don't get false Round statistics and false Online Time statistics (I use PsychoStats).

So, this plugin will change maps to the special one in cvars and also change the mp_timelimit if there are zero players connected after a defined amount of time. The map and mp_timelimit will also change if the only clients in the game have not been playing for a certain number of hours, which is set in a cvar, or if your server has only bots in it. When a player connect, it change the mp_timelimit and map to the other special ones in cvars. You can also get it to change to next map in cycle when a player connects.

// amx_staytime(in seconds): How long before the plugin changes the map.
// amx_map_empty(map_name): This is the map you want to change to if
// the server is empty.
// Read!-> If you write "amx-nextmap" it will use the
// next map in the map cycle.
// amx_map_players(map_name): This is the map you want to change to when
// the server is not empty any more.
// Read!-> If you write "amx-nextmap" it will use the
// next map in the map cycle.
// amx_timelimit_empty(minutes): This is the mp_timelimit you want to have
// if the server is empty.
// Read!-> It can NOT be same value as
// amx_timelimit_players (under)
// amx_timelimit_players(minutes):This is the mp_timelimit you want to have
// if the server is not empty any more.
// Read!-> It can NOT be same value as
// amx_timelimit_empty (above)
// amx_idletime(in hours): How many hours a player can be connected to
// the server before being considered idle.
// amx_map_memory(0): DON'T CHANGE THIS ONE. Plugin uses this to
// get the amx-nextmap to work OK.

Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/emptyserver2.sma">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/emptyserver2.sma</a><!-- m --> Sursa
Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/emptyserver2.amxx">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/emptyserver2.amxx</a><!-- m --> Compilat