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Daca din diferite motive folosim mai mult tastatura si nu mouse-ul, iata cateva combinatii de taste care sa ne usureze munca:
Inca ceva,cui nu ii place,nu faceti posturi degeaba cu texte de genu:Copy/Paste,cine sta sa citeasca atat,etc
Cine este interesat citeste,cine nu nu[/color]
Tasta Windows+F = Search
Tasta Windows+Break = System Properties
Tasta Windows+D = Desktop
Tasta Windows+R = Run
Tasta Windows+E = Explorer
Tasta Windows = Program Menu
Tasta Windows+M = minimizeaza ferestrele deschise
Tasta Windows+Shift+M = maximilizeaza ferestrele deschise
Tasta Windows+Tab = comutarea intre butoanele din taskbar
Shift+Delete = sterge definitiv selectia
Alt+Enter = deschide Properties
Alt +Tab = comutarea si deschiderea aplicatiilor deschise din taskbar
Alt+Ctrl+Delete = Task Manager
Alt+Ctrl+Del = Task Manager
Alt+F4 = inchide o fereastra deschisa
Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
Ctrl+Esc = Program Menu
Ctrl+A = Select all
Ctrl+C = Copy
Ctrl+V = Paste
Ctrl+X = Cut
Ctrl+Z = Undo
F1 = Help
F2 = Rename
F3 = Search
F4 = Address
F5 = Refresh
Pentru Yahoo! Messenger:
Ctrl+D = Sign out
Ctrl+Q = Close
Ctrl+Shift+A = Add a contact
Ctrl+H = Show Offline Contacts
Ctrl+M = Send an Instant Message
Ctrl+V = Send an Email
Ctrl+Shift+F8 = My Display Image
Ctrl+Shift+P = Preferences
Esc = Exit din fereastra de comunicare

Combinatii de taste pentru Winamp:
Ctrl+T = Time Elapsed
Ctrl+L = Play URL
Shift+L = Play Folder
Ctrl+O = Open Playlist
Ctrl+S = Save Playlist
Alt+3 = View File Info
Alt+F4 = Exit
Left = Back 5 seconds
Right = Fwd 5 seconds
Up = Volum Up
Down = Volum Down
L = Play file
Z = Previous
X = Play
C = Pause
V = Stop
B = Next
R = Repeat
S = Shuffle
Ctrl+T = Time remaning
Ctrl+A = Always on Top
Ctrl+P = Preferences
Ctrl+Shift+K = Visualizations
Alt+G = Equalizer
Alt+L = Media Library
Alt+E = Playlist Editor
Alt+V = Video

Combinatii de taste pentru Mozilla Firefox
Ctrl+N = New Window
Ctrl+T = New Tab
Ctrl+L = Open Location
Ctrl+O = Open File
Ctrl+W = Close
Ctrl+S = Save
Ctrl+P = Print Page As
Ctrl+A = Select all
Ctrl+C = Copy
Ctrl+V = Paste
Ctrl+X = Cut
Ctrl+Z = Undo
Ctrl+F = Find in This Page
Ctrl+G = Find again
Ctrl+U = Page Source
Ctrl+R = Reload
Ctrl++= Increase (Tex Size)
Ctrl+- = Decrease (Tex Size)
Ctrl+0 = Normal (Tex Size)
tot la winamp:
CTRL+V = Opreste winamp-ul la finalul piesei
ctrl+scroll up/down = zoom in opera,chrome, mozila ...