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Team Flash Snitch

When teamflashed, this plugin announces who flashed you. The teamflasher
hears "I'm blind!" and gets a message of who he flashed.
It is also displayed for admins if someone is fully teamflashed.
Tested on Counter-Strike and Condition Zero servers.
This does NOT work for 100%... but almost :-)


0 - admins will not be aware
1 - admins gets an adminchat of who flashed who

tfs_sound: Teamflasher hears "I'm blind!", default 1 (CZ bot radio)
0 - Sound Off
1 - Sound On

1.1 - fixed bug: more than one player can get a message from the same teamflash event, new cvar: tfs_adminchat (2007-11-04)
1.0 - sound on/off cvar: tfs_sound 1/0 (2006-04-14)
0.3 - fixed bug: dead spectators will nog get message about teamflash (2006-03-16)
0.2 - changed flash owner code, a timer is added, "[Team Flash Snitch]" in green text (2006-03-12)
0.1 - initial release (2006-01-25)

Download link : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/TeamFlashSnitch.zip">http://cs.u-s.ro/download/cs/TeamFlashSnitch.zip</a><!-- m -->