Full Version: unban
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[AMXBANS] ===============================================
[AMXBANS] You are Banned from this server!
[AMXBANS] You are permanently banned.
[AMXBANS] Banned nick : Game Destroyed
[AMXBANS] Reason : ' 73" Game Destroyer '
[AMXBANS] You can complain regarding your ban @ forum.u-s.ro
[AMXBANS] Your SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 39493013 '
[AMXBANS] Your IP : ' '
[AMXBANS] ===============================================
Processing maps/default.txt
Processing sound/misc/ooorgle.wav
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check y
cu ce nick jucai?????
unban done.. dar voiam sa stii ca sa luat destroy la ora 2.40 asta noapte.. pe ip ala..