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1. 95
2. 69
3. 84
4. Could not open socket
1. 97 198
2. 70 317
3. 85 171
4. am pus codu , am dat vote si a dat o eroare....o sa incerc mai tarziu.
Done ! la fel la ultimul : could not open socket !
super extra mega ultra supra votat!
1. 118
2. 77
3. 96
4. nu merge Sad
1. 121
2. 79
3. 98
4. -
1. 124
2. 81
3. 99
4. request timed out

done 127-81-99....la 2 si 3 tot ca dutzu..si am bagat codul de 10 ori tot asa da Sad
si inca o data ca avem dinamic Big Grin...
2. 83
3. 102
1.130 219
2.83 343
3.102 190
4.Could not open socket

Big Grin
Am dat voturile
Ultimul site n-a mers.

Eroare: Could not open socket.

In rest Done:
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