Full Version: cerere de scoatere a Imunitatii adminului Markeloff
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cer sa se scoata imunitatea acestui jucator ca nu este frumos ca sa stam pe mess si la CS sa fim spec ca sa facem ore si sa mai fim si aroganti pe deasupra

Exemplu : (ADMIN) psyCH : markeloff am sa cer sa ti se scoata imunitatea .. asta ca sa stii si tu de ce nu o sa o mai ai
*** Wanzer killed Lugano with a headshot from famas ***
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*** zZ^Zz#[sbN] killed BulleT with a headshot from m4a1 ***
pitonzor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
zZ^Zz#[sbN] killed naja_naya with m4a1
Lugano dropped
Lugano has left the game
pitonzor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** Wanzer killed bikerboy with a headshot from deagle ***
DyL killed Wanzer with ak47
Lugano connected
pitonzor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** zZ^Zz#[sbN] killed markeloff with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** aLex* killed paC with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(ADMINS) markeloff : ce te oftici?
zZ^Zz#[sbN] (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Lugano dropped
Lugano has left the game
*** xTens killed DyL with a headshot from usp ***
jbg' miodrag dropped
anubis connected
(ADMINS) markeloff : ce te oftici?
zZ^Zz#[sbN] (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
jbg' miodrag connected
paC killed pitonzor with ak47
*** BulleT killed aLex* with a headshot from ak47 ***
Nyk' killed paC with awp
pitonzor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** psyCH killed bikerboy with a headshot from ak47 ***
anubis is joining the Terrorist force
(ADMIN) zZ^Zz#[sbN] : nu se ofitca
xTens (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
jbg' miodrag is joining the Terrorist force
(ADMIN) zZ^Zz#[sbN] : doar ca nu ai voie sa faci orele spec
psyCH killed markeloff with ak47
xTens (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
psyCH killed naja_naya with ak47
BulleT killed psyCH with ak47
*PiCoLOOO*__HaIcA/MD/ killed DyL with m4a1
BulleT killed *PiCoLOOO*__HaIcA/MD/ with ak47
(ADMINS) markeloff : dar
*** xTens killed anubis with a headshot from ak47 ***
BulleT killed Wanzer with ak47
zZ^Zz#[sbN] killed BulleT with ak47
xTens (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
xTens (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** aLex* killed jbg' miodrag with a headshot from awp ***
psyCH (RADIO): Need backup.
*DEAD* DyL : /rs

*** naja_naya killed Wanzer with a headshot from deagle ***
zZ^Zz#[sbN] killed BulleT with ak47
pitonzor killed paC with m4a1
psyCH killed bikerboy with m4a1
pitonzor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** zZ^Zz#[sbN] killed naja_naya with a headshot from ak47 ***
xTens (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** anubis killed psyCH with a headshot from ak47 ***
markeloff killed zZ^Zz#[sbN] with galil

doar de curiozitate ce varsta are acest asa zis cu numele Admin ????

astept parerile celor care sunt in masura sa aplice masuri in aceasta privinta
nu este corect fata de restul adminilor ceea ce se intampla
admin mic cu imunitate si il vedem din an in pasti pe server
parerea mea...

Smile)))) dupa voi asha, daca vedeti unu cu imunitate nu va zice nimic??.. hmmm, ma asteptam mai mult de la voi, markeloff are 17 ani si eu cu tatal lui suntem buni prieteni.... el nu este la ore.. nu are admin ca sa ridice serverul, ci doar ca sa dea o mana de ajutor daca e nevoie si imunitate ca sa nu i se intample cineva, asta din cauza ca da destul de bine.. si cum e obiceiul adminilor de pe sv (fapt dovedit) sa de ban fara motiv si fara probe.

acelasi lucru valabil si pentru DarkOnE

aaa... amandoi au avut servere de cs la vremea lor.... ma refer la tatii lor....
Multumesc pentru lamurire