Full Version: Ce loc va lua Romania la Euro 2008?
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votati unu locul 4 Smile.
Smile Smile Smile egalitate totala Smile Tongue Tongue Big Grin
ne bate italia sau cel putin facem egal ...dar batem olanda Big Grin
lupo Wrote:ne bate italia sau cel putin facem egal ...dar batem olanda Big Grin
am facut egal (desi puteam sa catigam.. :-< :roll: )...dar la felul cum joaca Olanda in momentele astea..nush ce o sa facem :? Confusedhock:
va zic ceva sigur ....dak olanda vrea sa ne bata ne bate fara probleme ......dak nu vrea nu joak la fortze maxime !!!!
batem olanda cu 4-3
batem olanda.. facem pact.. ne calificam amandoua... because olanda love us Smile..
dj Wrote:batem olanda cu 4-3
maxim 2 goluri dam Smile
cine stie...
Olanda - Romania 3-0
Italia - Franta 0-0

1.Olanda 10-1 9
2.Romania 1-4 2
3.Franta 1-4 2
4.Italia 1-4 2

Stie cineva care e criteriul urmator dupa golaveraj cum se alege echipa?
si nu sunt doar 2... sunt 3..
se ia si dupa scorul egal.....adik romania a facut 1 1 cu italia si franta 0 0 cu italia ....deci romania iese in castig !!!!
safta Wrote:se ia si dupa scorul egal.....adik romania a facut 1 1 cu italia si franta 0 0 cu italia ....deci romania iese in castig !!!!
dak ar fii asa si Italia a facut egal 1-1 cu romania si egal cu Franta 0-0 .. deci italia iese in castiG? Confusedhock: :roll: nu stiu cum se ia :Big Grin
ba nush ma .....lasa sa ia Romania Smile Smile Smile Smile.......iti zisei si io ce am auzit
oricum Olanda vrea sa lase acasa pe franta si italia asa ca o sa ne lase mai moale cred dar nu e asa de sigur cu suporteri pe care ii are o sa fie greu sa cedeze de buna voie
Tie-breaking criteria

According to the official UEFA rules for the tournament, the following tie-breaking criteria will apply, in this order, should two or more teams from the same group finish with an equal number of points. In keeping with previous European championships, the head to head record between the tied teams takes precedence over goal difference.

1. Number of points earned in matches between the teams in question;
2. Goal difference in matches between the teams in question;
3. Goals scored in matches between the teams in question;
4. Goal difference in all group matches;
5. Goals scored in all group matches;
6. In cases where exactly two teams are equal in all previously listed critera and play one another to a draw in their final group match, kicks from the penalty mark will be conducted in lieu of the remaining criteria;
7. Coefficient from the qualifying competitions for the 2006 FIFA World Cup and 2006/08 UEFA European Football Championship (points obtained divided by the number of matches played);
8. Fair play conduct of the teams in the group stage;
9. Drawing of lots.

Deci la faza asta ne-o luam in freza :| ca noi nu ne-am calificat in 2006
eu stiam ca se ia altfel stiam ca se ia dupa ce lor esti din europa noi suntem pe 11 parca si intalia si franta is peste noi in clasamentu ala
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