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A venit frumos domnul jst, si s-a gandit sa-mi dea ban, pentru nu stiu ce "AIM", si a fost si permanent, asta s-a intamplat ieri, astazi i s-a parut ca am iar aim, si a zis ca-mi da ban, l-am intrebat pentru ce ban? si a urmat o serie de kick-uri, si de cuvinte urate.

seBs : pentru ce sa dai ban?=))

*** Grierosu killed xQz with a headshot from ak47 ***
Grierosu killed rox with ak47
Grierosu killed skarba with ak47
Bitzi connected

seBs killed jsT- with m4a1
Bitzi is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
wii dropped
wii has left the game
Bitzi is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
*** skarba killed Grierosu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
xQz killed
jsT- : sebs daca te mai bagi in seama mul?

jsT- : si tu cauti anturaj?>

*** rox killed seBs with a headshot from ak47 ***
rox killed Sgay with ak47
* Killed by rox with ak47 @ 23.m (21hp, 0ap) >> head: 1 leftarm: 1
* You hit rox 1 time(s), 25 damage >> leftarm: 1
*DEAD* seBs : cu tine nu caut...

*** Grierosu killed xQz with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Grierosu killed skarba with m4a1
jsT- : atunci taci draqu din gura

*** seBs killed jsT- with a headshot from m4a1 ***
rox : gata...

seBs killed rox with m4a1
rox : jst

Sgay died
Sgay is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
rox : a inteles gresit

Sgay : /resetscore

*** xQz killed Grierosu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
jsT- : si alta treaba nu are,decat sa ma sece al cap un intrebarile lui de copil frustat

xQz killed Bitzi with m4a1
seBs : mai bine copil frustrat

jsT- killed seBs with m4a1
seBs : decat batran

Sgay is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
* Killed by jsT- with m4a1 @ 1.m (100hp, 0ap) >> leftarm: 1
* You hit jsT- 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
skarba killed Grierosu with aug
seBs : decat batran frustrat:*

Sgay killed jsT- with ak47
rox killed Bitzi with m4a1
jsT- : agasantule ce esti

seBs killed rox with m4a1
skarba killed seBs with aug
* Killed by skarba with aug @ 6.m (36hp, 0ap) >> chest: 1 leftarm: 3
*** xQz killed Sgay with a headshot from m4a1 ***
* You hit skarba 2 time(s), 55 damage >> leftarm: 1 leftleg: 1
*DEAD* Bitzi : /

*DEAD* Bitzi : /tankstats

mOv dropped
*DEAD* Grierosu : lasa cinismul la o parte si spune cine esti...

*** Grierosu killed skarba with a headshot from m4a1 ***
xQz killed Sgay with m4a1
Bitzi killed rox with ak47
*DEAD* Bitzi : /rankstats

seBs killed xQz with m4a1
mOv connected
*** Grierosu killed jsT- with a headshot from m4a1 ***
jsT- : eu?

mOv is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
seBs : ii un miez=))

Grierosu : da tu

Sgay killed mOv with m4a1
*** xQz killed Sgay with a headshot from m4a1 ***
jsT- : sebs lasama ca ma iriti

skarba killed Grierosu with ak47
jsT- : defapt ai ban

Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forum.u-s.ro/">http://forum.u-s.ro/</a><!-- m -->
rox : gata...:-s

jsT- killed Bitzi with m4a1
seBs killed xQz with m4a1
Bitzi dropped
Bitzi has left the game
seBs killed rox with m4a1
*** seBs killed jsT- with a headshot from m4a1 ***
seBs killed skarba with m4a1
Grierosu : nu prea vrei sa imi zici ... sa inteleg

xQz killed Grierosu with m4a1
jsT- : iti dadeam castane asta vara

seBs killed skarba with m4a1
xQz killed Sgay with m4a1
seBs killed jsT- with m4a1
*** mOv killed seBs with a headshot from ak47 ***
mOv is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
* Killed by mOv with ak47 @ 32.m (100hp, 0ap) >> head: 1
* You hit mOv 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
mOv killed skarba with ak47
Grierosu : nu cred ca vorbim de aceleasi persoaneSmile)

jsT- : stai in pacurari

*** jsT- killed Grierosu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Grierosu : nu

rox timed out
rox has left the game
xQz killed mOv with m4a1
Grierosu : cug

xQz killed seBs with m4a1
*** Sgay killed jsT- with a headshot from m4a1 ***
* Killed by xQz with m4a1 @ 28.m (74hp, 0ap) >> stomach: 1 rightarm: 1
*** xQz killed Sgay with a headshot from ak47 ***
* You hit xQz 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
*DEAD* Grierosu : /resetscore

*** Grierosu killed xQz with a headshot from m4a1 ***
skarba killed Grierosu with ak47
*** mOv killed skarba with a headshot from ak47 ***
seBs (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
seBs killed jsT- with m4a1
seBs : H@H@H@

Kicked by Console
] retry
Commencing connection retry to cs.u-s.ro
Connecting to cs.u-s.ro...
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set

Server # 65
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
(Terrorist) Sgay : ma-ta

seBs connected
Couldn't open file overviews/aim_dry.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
seBs is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
xQz killed mOv with m4a1
jsT- killed Sgay with ak47
Kicked by Console
Can't "say", not connected
] retry
Commencing connection retry to cs.u-s.ro
Connecting to cs.u-s.ro...
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set

Server # 65
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
seBs : de ce kick?

seBs connected
Couldn't open file overviews/aim_dry.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
seBs is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** xQz killed Grierosu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
mOv killed xQz with ak47
*** skarba killed Sgay with a headshot from m4a1 ***
seBs killed mOv with m4a1
Scrie /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
Time Left: 3:44 min. Next Map: fy_bikini
jsT- killed mOv with m4a1
Kicked by Console
Can't "say_team", not connected
] retry
Commencing connection retry to cs.u-s.ro
Connecting to cs.u-s.ro...
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set

Server # 65
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
(Counter-Terrorist) seBs : de ce nu stai in banca ta?

seBs connected
Couldn't open file overviews/aim_dry.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
seBs is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
bythegogu connected
bythegogu is joining the Terrorist force
*** mOv killed xQz with a headshot from ak47 ***
mOv killed jsT- with ak47
*** mOv killed seBs with a headshot from ak47 ***
Scrie /re

Si consola....
Morala: Respecta-ma ca om, ca sa te respect ca om; respecte-ma ca jucator, ca sa te respect ca admin. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
seb cam o arde la stouri
pur si simplu a fost o neintelegere...
dundi a cerut sa i se faca poze...i'am facut eu 3 poze... , iar jst a zis ceva de aim ..si ca ii da ban ... nu a facut referire la dundi.. dar intre timp noi vorbeam pe chat admini ... iar ceilalti nu aveau cum sa vada..si s'a inteles gresit.
probabil seBs a crezut ca e vorba de conflictul de ieri cand jst i'a dat ban si nu il lasa sa joace..dandu'i kick intr'una...

seBs are aim cum ai tu, jsT-
eu zic sa va ignorati pur si simplu pe server...fara insulte si altele. :|

ps: ca sa nu fac alt post.
poate nu stiu sa ma exprim..stii tu mai bine catalin...dar macar stiu sa scriu corect romaneste.
plus ca wakk are dreptate. si nu iti lua foc asa... nu am zis ca ai aim. sau cine stie ce...am zis ca seBs are aim la fel cum ai tu.!
sanatate si tie!
rox. Wrote:pur si simplu a fost o neintelegere...
dundi a cerut sa i se faca poze...i'am facut eu 3 poze... , iar jst a zis ceva de aim ..si ca ii da ban ... nu a facut referire la dundi.. dar intre timp noi vorbeam pe chat admini ... iar ceilalti nu aveau cum sa vada..si s'a inteles gresit.
probabil seBs a crezut ca e vorba de conflictul de ieri cand jst i'a dat ban si nu il lasa sa joace..dandu'i kick intr'una...

seBs are aim cum ai tu, jsT-
eu zic sa va ignorati pur si simplu pe server...fara insulte si altele. :|

nici nu sti sa te exprimi,faci tu ce faci da o intorci sa ii ei aparea lu nea`popicu

Dundi a cerut sa i se faca 3 poze,pentru a testa nush ce mama masi,iar eu in gluma i-am spus "incerci codul?" si de aici a inceput totul,seby cu bagarea lui in seama,tu cu ai ii ei apararea tot timpul indiferent de situatie.Referitor la AIM-ul meu,intreaba persoane gen Bunicu.caricel,Laurentzi,Tutun,Ionut(dj),Ovidiu,si iti vor da ei raspuns la intrebare daca am sau nu aim/wall.Cat despre Aim-ul lui sebs nu e concret nimic,(deocamdata),dar avand in vedere ca a luat ban de la catalin , joaca de pe non-steam,ii sare tinta in 100 de locuri ,am dreptul sa il verific de cate ori mi se pare suspect,ii fac demo-uri si poze pana il prind sau pana ma satur.
Ps:Sebs astept demo-ul
Scuza-ma ca sunt obraznic jst, dar si tie iti sarea tinta in 1000 de locuri ,dadeai hs dupa hs, cu ak unde tinta nu sta fixa deobicei , si cand a intrat catalin, te-a batut unu in he,si nu prea faceai fraguri. Nu ma bag, dar din cate stiu ,sebi joaca curat,m-am uitat si eu pe el de multe ori. In fine ,eu nu am crezare pentru ca nu ti-am facut demo.

Sa auzim de bine!
si te opresc eu sa nu imi faci demo-uri sau poze?,cel putin eu joc de pe steam,iar daca sare tinta sare de la lag,loss ca nu joc cu cfg sa zici ca am setari aiurea

Verde, eu nu am nimic cu tine, tu ai ce ai cu mine :?
Catalin mi-a dat ban pe steam, tot asa ca i s-a parut ca am aim. Este si un topic la ban/unban...poti sa-l citesti. Am steam din 2008, asta e singurul server, unde mi-a fost banat steam-ul. :mrgreen:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.2shared.com/file/qRwKPZi6/sebyawp.html">http://www.2shared.com/file/qRwKPZi6/sebyawp.html</a><!-- m -->
vizionare placuta :*
Clar , toti avem ceva cu tine , cand vezi ca toti arata spre tine cu degetu asteapta-te sa vezi ca problema e la tine ,o fi unu nebun ,dar nu toti , nu am nimic cu nimeni dar ai o atitudine destul de josnica , mai bine nu ma bagam , dar parerea asta e care mi-ai facut-o . sanatate !