Full Version: incredibil,uite danutzz totul in doar 15 minuteciteste
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uite danutz..ai zis ceva seris,iar acum sa imi zici daca adminii nu isi bat joc de serverul asta si daca rx are ce cauta ca admin.
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER chose de_dust2
Mircea.Radu chose de_zook
Bullu chose fy_aztec_world
MuSheTzeL : taci , iati jet

AerrOw.Codatus chose de_zook
gogu : o bate consola las-o

DnD chose awp_bycastor32
jabulani_k4k4 chose fun_allinone
bog chose de_dust2
rox chose de_zook
MuSheTzeL chose de_dust2
Old Firehand chose de_dust2
rox : zoookLX

Wanzer chose de_zook
RAMPAGE chose de_dust2
Old Shatterhand chose de_dust2
"amx_nextmap" changed to "de_dust2"
rox : :X

uer is da LAV? : are admin aia ama?

ikks the dog : no tengoooo dneroooo

Terrorist (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
MaLB[O]Ro : d2

Choosing finished. The nextmap will be de_dust2
Mircea.Radu : nuke

MaLB[O]Ro : d2

rox : ai grija cu aia

MaLB[O]Ro : d2

DnD : da ma

DnD (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
Terrorist (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
Alias name is invalid
Alias name is invalid
Alias name is invalid
*** DnD killed MuSheTzeL with a headshot from ak47 ***
bog : snow

Cristi connected
DnD killed Rogue with ak47
jabulani_k4k4 killed rox with m4a1
DnD (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
Cristi is joining the Terrorist force
RAMPAGE killed LOVESEEKER 4 EVER with m4a1
*** DnD killed bog with a headshot from ak47 ***
JabuLani!!!??_guess who killed MaLB[O]Ro with grenade
Old Firehand killed uer is da LAV? with ak47
*** jabulani_k4k4 killed DnD with a headshot from m4a1 ***
DnD (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [explosive]
*** jabulani_k4k4 killed Old Firehand with a headshot from m4a1 ***
AerrOw.Codatus killed Arushte with ak47
AerrOw.Codatus killed rotwayller with ak47
Terrorist killed Mircea.Radu with grenade
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [explosive]
uer is da LAV? : da nu esti aia

*** RAMPAGE killed AerrOw.Codatus with a headshot from m4a1 ***
gogu killed RAMPAGE with awp
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ikks the dog killed Bullu with m4a1
MuSheTzeL dropped
MuSheTzeL has left the game
AerrOw.Codatus dropped
AerrOw.Codatus has left the game
JabuLani!!!??_guess who (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [explosive]
Terrorist (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [explosive]
ikks the dog killed JabuLani!!!??_guess who with m4a1
Bullu (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [explosive]
Time Left: 1:16
*** ikks the dog killed Old Shatterhand with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Next Map: de_dust2
* Killed by ikks the dog with m4a1 @ 35.m (26hp, 0ap) >> head: 1 chest: 1 leftarm: 1
* You hit ikks the dog 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
*SPEC* rox : salut rotw:*

Old Bullet killed Wanzer with awp
Next Map: de_dust2

Time Left: 1:05
*DEAD* MaLB[O]Ro : timeleft

*SPEC* rotwayller : ce faci roxy?

*DEAD* LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : deci ramane d2?

*DEAD* JabuLani!!!??_guess who : doamne cum blocheaza astia....

ikks the dog killed Old Bullet with m4a1
*DEAD* Mircea.Radu : astia dau grenazi ca flamanzii

*SPEC* rox : incerc sa joc..dar sunt multi copaci

*SPEC* rotwayller : pune d2

*SPEC* rox : si cu crengi gorase

Old Death killed jabulani_k4k4 with m4a1
*SPEC* rox : groase

*DEAD* LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : snow la 12 pe 12=))

*SPEC* rotwayller : hehe mama lor de copaci =))

*SPEC* rox : :-<

*DEAD* Mircea.Radu : ceva mai mare ..un nuke ceva

*DEAD* uer is da LAV? : unde era bunamaSmile)))

*DEAD* jabulani_k4k4 : dap hp


*DEAD* Old Firehand : patrutz... Tongue

gogu (RADIO): Need backup.
*DEAD* uer is da LAV? : inferno

.killer connected
*** ikks the dog killed Old Death with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* Old Firehand : hai mihu !

gogu (RADIO): Need backup.
Time Left: 0:25
.killer is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* MaLB[O]Ro : timeleft

*DEAD* LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : sau un fy dsut



*DEAD* jabulani_k4k4 : ce scor au astea din clanu old

*DEAD* Old Bullet : era mai fain americas army

Time Left: 0:12
*SPEC* rox : timeleft

ADMIN rotwayller: vote map(s)
*DEAD* Mircea.Radu : is baietii

gogu voted for option #2
*DEAD* Old Firehand : cu mult mai fain

*SPEC* rox : /resetscore

Terrorist voted for option #1
Cristi voted for option #1
rotwayller voted for option #1
Bullu voted for option #2
ikks the dog voted for option #1
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER voted for option #2
.killer voted for option #1
JabuLani!!!??_guess who voted for option #2
MaLB[O]Ro voted for option #1
rox voted for option #2
*DEAD* DnD : is praf astia din old

Mircea.Radu voted for option #2

*[b]DEAD* JabuLani!!!??_guess who : ce ma?

bog voted for option #2
Rogue voted for option #1
Old Firehand voted for option #2
DnD voted for option #2
Arushte voted for option #2
"mp_chattime" changed to "16"
jabulani_k4k4 voted for option #2
RAMPAGE voted for option #1
*DEAD* LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : esti cu capu?

*SPEC* rox : km sa dai ma harta aia
*DEAD* JabuLani!!!??_guess who : buzzkill?

VIP connected
*DEAD* Mircea.Radu : care e nebunu

*DEAD* uer is da LAV? : bai voi astia old ducetiva si va culcati bai

Voting failed
* Privileges set

Server # 56
Couldn't find map maps/de_dust2002.bsp, server will download the map
Commencing connection retry to cs.u-s.ro
Connecting to cs.u-s.ro...
Connection accepted by

Time Left: 29:30 min. Next Map: de_inferno

*SPEC* rox : nu exista harta aia 8-|

*DEAD* Rogue : fivar blidu de ras

*DEAD* LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : a fost nuke de njii de mii de ori

*DEAD* Rogue : Smile)

*DEAD* gogu : da cum ti-ai gandit tu sa dai

*DEAD* DnD : baga tren

* Careful! You've died 2 rounds in a row now...
gogu : amx_map de_dust2002

rox : nu incapem pe train


* Ai 15 secunde sa te misti sau vei primi kick deoarece esti AFK!
*** Bullu killed LOVESEEKER 4 EVER with a headshot from mp5navy ***
Ti-ai resetat scorul
JabuLani!!!??_guess who : /resetscore

DnD : incapi stai linistita

Old Bullet killed rotwayller with mp5navy
ikks the dog killed Rogue with m4a1
DnD (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
Bullu killed Old Bullet with mp5navy
JabuLani!!!??_guess who killed MaLB[O]Ro with deagle
*** ikks the dog killed JabuLani!!!??_guess who with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** ikks the dog killed gogu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
DnD killed ikks the dog with deagle
gogu : pe train

Terrorist (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
*** DnD killed rox with a headshot from galil ***
bog killed DnD with m4a1
gogu : mai intra vro 2 sv

* Killed by ikks the dog with m4a1 @ 6.m (46hp, 100ap) >> head: 1
* You hit ikks the dog 0 time(s), 0 damage >> no hits
Bullu killed Terrorist with mp5navy

*SPEC* rotwayller : /resetscore

*DEAD* ikks the dog : partieeee

*DEAD* rox : /me

*SPEC* gogu : mai bine ma uit la meci decat sa joc harta de vanatoare


Dan dropped
*DEAD* ikks the dog : Smile))

*DEAD* Terrorist : /me

*SPEC* rox : pa

*SPEC* rox : /resetscore
( aici nu facea frag si o sa inceapa sa schimbe mapa,chiar daca a schimbat fara vot,iesise dust2 initial.)

ADMIN gogu: vote custom
gogu voted for option #1
ikks the dog voted for option #1
Mircea.Radu voted for option #2
.killer voted for option #1
MaLB[O]Ro voted for option #2
rotwayller voted for option #2
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER voted for option #2
stefy voted for option #1
Arushte voted for option #1
Bullu voted for option #2
Dan is joining the Terrorist force
zNg*BuLa_ voted for option #1
DnD voted for option #1
bog voted for option #1
aron voted for option #1
rox voted for option #2
Mircea.Radu : lasam astaa

rox killed zNg*BuLa_ with m4a1
jabulani_k4k4 voted for option #1
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER killed ikks the dog with mp5navy
Voting successful (got "10") (needed "10"). The result: schimbam?? - da
=>bineinteles si asta tot la comanda lui rox care tipa in gura mare dati unu la vot!!!
JabuLani!!!??_guess who : lasati ma.daca ati pus
JabuLani!!!??_guess who : pentru ce ati pus asta?ca iesise d2
(ALL) gogu : gata jucati Smile

JabuLani!!!??_guess who killed rox with a headshot from m4a1 ** (iar moare,deci o sa dea iar vot)

rox : da schimba,..k a iesit la vot

JabuLani!!!??_guess who : chiar tu ai schimbat mapa...si fara vot

ADMIN rox: vote map(s)
ikks the dog voted against
Mircea.Radu voted for
AK47 voted for
gogu voted for
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER voted against
zNg*BuLa_ voted for
Wanzer voted for
MaLB[O]Ro voted for
stefy voted for
V3NOM voted for
JabuLani!!!??_guess who voted against
rotwayller voted against
rotwayller killed AK47 with awp
uer is da LAV? voted against
ikks the dog : ce era Sad

Dan voted for
jabulani_k4k4 voted against
bog voted against
jabulani_k4k4 killed rotwayller with awp
zNg*BuLa_ (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
LOVESEEKER 4 EVER killed aron with ak47
JabuLani!!!??_guess who : iar vot ma?

zNg*BuLa_ killed Wanzer with ak47
Voting failed (yes "9") (no "7") (needed "10")
JabuLani!!!??_guess who : e al 4-lea (al4lea parca dupa ce abia pusese o mapa fara vot.!!!)

'MaLB[O]Ro' has been PERMANENTLY banned.
Reason: 'reclama'
By admin V3NOM
rox : da'i unul ban lu' ala

uer is da LAV? : ci ban

'MaLB[O]Ro' has been PERMANENTLY banned.
Reason: 'reclama'
By admin V3NOM
rox : asa:*

daca doar da ordine mai bine nu ar avea admine degeaba!!!!!

acum,daca tot rox nu reuseste hai sa ajute alt admin....

ADMIN V3NOM: vote map(s)

stefy killed ikks the dog with ak47
V3NOM voted for
ikks the dog voted for
JabuLani!!!??_guess who voted against
Arushte voted against
rox voted for
aron voted for
bog voted against

acum alta parte mai interesanta >>>>>>>>>

LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : bat netmtii ftui in limba

aron killed bog with ak47
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eq : competitie

LOVESEEKER 4 EVER : da am vaz

bog (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
JabuLani!!!??_guess who : lu asta nu ii dai gag?

I`M FROM BARLAD-YOU? (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [flashbang]
I`M FROM BARLAD-YOU? killed zNg*BuLa_ with m4a1
I`M FROM BARLAD-YOU? (RADIO): Fire in the hole! [explosive]
zNg*BuLa_ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** Mircea.Radu killed eq with a headshot from deagle ***
*** aron killed Mircea.Radu with a headshot from ak47 ***
rox : nu

>>>eu luasem gag ca am zis but :-??

Toate astea in 15 minute maxim...e bataie de joc,nu poti juca o mapa ca daca nu face rox frag o va schimba,chiar daca tot ea a pus si mapa anterioara.
Gag nu se da ca injurase un prieten,chiar daca a injurat ca la tarla!!
Daca tot cauti frage in loc sa dai un gag,sa pui o mapa singura pana se termina pentru ce ai admin?Renunta la el

Ganditi-va ce se intampla intr-o zi intreaga cu adminul rox pe server.si altii pe langa,care ii jsunt ajurtoare,unelte....
am incercat sa ingros ce e mai important dar am facut si un rezumat,cred ca au fost5 sau 6 voturi?in interval de 15 min si o mapa pusa fara vot...incredibil,jucati voi daca puteti!!!!!!
ai si tu partea ta de dreptate

vom vedea ce zic ownerii.maine deja.ca e ora 12
ei nu sunt ca noi , au neveste si copii

dar totusi pentru viitorul tau iti dau un sfat bun : incearca sa nu te pui in gura cu adminii si sa accepti cateodata situatia asa cum este.ti`o zic din proprie experienta

orice alt topic in + va fi sters.asteptam sa vedem ce are de zis rox si in acelasi timp ownerii
probabil am sa scot comanda de schimbare a hartii. Am sa las doar vote map. Daca nu iese harta la vot ramane ce s-a votat inainte. Gogu , rox si v3nom aveti grija ce faceti ca sa nu va micsorez de tot adminul.
lol dar n'am facut nimic rau :|

1.nam3 a mai facut o reclamatie in caz de n'ai vazut Catalin.el de atunci tot vrea sa faca rau..(se simte frustrat ca nu a avut dreptate)
2.a fost bannat(de tutun pentru limbaj neadecvat)...nu inteleg ce mai cauta pe server.
3.nu dau ordine la nimeni...8-|
eram 20 si cva pe server...si nu se pusese nici o harta la vot si am schimbat pe prima harta kre mi'a venit in gand ca e mare si incap toti(train nu mergea,nuke nu mergea,eram multi)...
s'au dat la vot mai multe harti pentru ca au votat ei impotriva,si a trebuit sa incercam de mai multe ori nu?
in fine...daca tu crezi ca merit sanctiune ,fa'o Catalin.
si in plus LOVESEEKER era razer...nu a jignit pe nimeni cu nimik,de ce sa'i dau gag?:|

tu meritati gag si nu imi pare rau k ti'am dat.(te iei aiurea de mine pentru ca am comentat la faza cu gogu...)
tu n'ai o viata?nu stii decat sa faci rau?
nu am luat ban pentru limbaj neadecvat sci doar pentru ca ceream motivul pentru care am luat gag.
daca m-ai vazut pe mine sa injur cum ainjurau aia de fatza cu tine pe server azi si nu le dadeai gag eu accept sa fiu banat pe clasa de ip.
tu nu vezi acolo?nu stii sa dai votse dau 2 mape tot timpul sa aiba omul de unde alege si cand nu faci frag dai vot de 6 ori doar ca sa schimbi.

app eram 25 pe server parca si cand ai pus inferno aia mdificata,cati am ramas?iti zic eu..vreo 10

"el de atunci tot vrea sa faca rau..(se simte frustrat ca nu a avut dreptate)" nu fac rau nici nu vreau dar nu pot suprta oamenii care abuzeaza de functie,care nu folosesc regulile pentru toti jucatorii.
cat despre tine nu inteleg pentru ce vrei adminul!? ca sa dai vturi la mape?sa dai rdine la altii?sa admiri injuraturile?

ia si le multumeste adminilor ca te mai tin pe server....eu aici am etrminat nu o sa mai postez la aceasta reclamatie si sper sa nu mai vii cu acuzari nefondate,incearca sa pui si dovezi nu doar vorbe.
vai ma...tu tot pe a ta o tii....
in primul rand nu am pus eu inferno a 2'a harta 8-|
doar dust am pus...(pt ca era mare si incapeam toti)
si mai lasa'ma cu hartile..ca pe tine te'a deranjat de ce ti'am dat gag tie si lui ala nu.
nu pot sa'ti suport toate prostiile...nici macar n'ai pus discursul tau de pe inferno.:-j
ai pus ce ti'a convenit tie.
in fine
get a life!
Greseala nu se va mai repeta!Rox e la inceput are timp sa invete,probabil ca si conducerea ii acorda credit doar din greseli inveti!Ieri cand injurai pe toata lumea si in special pe mine n-ai mai facut reclamatie.TU vezi gunoiul din curtea altuia,dar nu vezi paiul din ochiul tau!Imi cer scuze daca eu am gresit cu ceva pe viitor voi incerca sa fiu mai bun.
A 2 reclamatie facuta intr-o zi si amandoua aiurea, de fapt singura activitate a ta pe forum e doar la sectiunea de reclamatii. Dar suntem obisnuiti ca odata cu venirea vacantei unele persoane sa se plictiseasca si sa inceapa sa se bage in seama. Reclamatie pt un amarat de gag si reclamatie ca de ce adminu a dat la vot x si y harti. Cred ca esti mandru de ce ai realizat, probabil ai impresia ca daca faci pe detectivu o sa fi remarcat de vreun owner si o sa primesti admin. Eu zic sa iti faci alt cont pe forum si incerci o alta strategie. salut.
is curios daca si-a facut cont pe forum doar pentru reclamatii! Auzi: "cere motivul gagului" Nu e nevoie de motiv, pe cs se joaca nu se chatuieste. Unii intra numai sa stea de vb :| mai ales acum ca sunt si fete :lol:
am zis ca nu mai postez aici dar tu nu ma lasi....
in primul rand gogu eu nu am injurat,asta pot sa iti garantez 100%
ei ii acorda credit dar tu ca faci ce zice ea?
cum dadea ordine pe acolo..da la vot(hop gogu vot),dai ban,ia dat ala ban....
parca ziceai ca e la inceput....nu mai plange ca nu iti scoate nimeni adminul.

playa 6 voturi incursul a 15 minute ti se pare o banalitate?cu 25 de oameni pe server?+ sa schimbi mapa de capul tau..si toate porcariile astea
aia injura ca in codru si ea rade?de ce are admin....
eu nu am nevoie de admin,vad ca asta te chinui sa dai de banuit....am avut si sunt satul.

deci orice ati mai scrie eu nu mai raspund am cam zis ce am avut de zis,se vede ca stati doar la barfa pe server,de acum nu e treaba mea.
nam3 Wrote:playa 6 voturi incursul a 15 minute ti se pare o banalitate?cu 25 de oameni pe server?+ sa schimbi mapa de capul tau..si toate porcariile astea
aia injura ca in codru si ea rade?de ce are admin....
eu nu am nevoie de admin,vad ca asta te chinui sa dai de banuit....am avut si sunt satul.

acum nu vreau sa crezi ca nu imi fac treaba pe forum, dar tu chiar crezi ca am stat sa citesc kilometri de text? Mai ales ca e ora 3 si un sfert dimineata! Eu zic sa faci nanitza si nu te mai consuma. Vorbim maine. NB
Inchideti topicul nu mai are rost.A inteles si rox cu ce a gresit si nu mai are rost sa-l bagam in seama pe om!Is curios daca o sa-l mai vad pe forum vrodata!