ommencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set
Server # 77
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Ingoring customization upload, couldn't find decal locally
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT connected
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
ids*dgL bY element killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
*** BAU killed hendrix with a headshot from awp ***
Xbox killed redd# with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed Xbox with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed david with awp
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : re allz
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
BAU killed CimisLia#MD with awp
sebidelaborcea killed [REDEMAX] Player name with awp
CimisLia#MD dropped
CimisLia#MD has left the game
*DEAD* redd# : dita
[REDEMAX] Player name dropped
[REDEMAX] Player name has left the game
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
M0rT1feR connected
M0rT1feR is joining the Terrorist force
Time Left: 21:45 min. Next Map: awp_metro
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed M0rT1feR with awp
redd# killed david with awp
hendrix killed BAU with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
ids*dgL bY element : =)))
redd# killed Xbox with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
redd# : eu mananc pere ma

sebidelaborcea killed hendrix with awp
david dropped
david has left the game
*DEAD* JustMe : /rs
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
david connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
Neamtu connected
Neamtu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** BAU killed hendrix with a headshot from awp ***
david is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
M0rT1feR killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
Xbox killed sebidelaborcea with awp
redd# killed david with awp
*** Xbox killed JustMe with a headshot from awp ***
*DEAD* ids*dgL bY element : pfff
redd# killed Xbox with awp
*** BAU killed Neamtu with a headshot from awp ***
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
[anu]Darkclan#BuT connected
hendrix killed M0rT1feR with awp
JustMe : /rs
[anu]Darkclan#BuT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
hendrix killed sebidelaborcea with awp
BAU killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
Neamtu killed BAU with awp
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
*** redd# killed Xbox with a headshot from awp ***
[anu]Darkclan#BuT killed redd# with awp
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
rai2el connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
rai2el is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** Neamtu killed BAU with a headshot from awp ***
*DEAD* ids*dgL bY element : vai de pl meah
*** CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with a headshot from awp ***
*** ids*dgL bY element killed rai2el with a headshot from awp ***
david killed redd# with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
Xbox killed sebidelaborcea with awp
M0rT1feR killed hendrix with awp
sebidelaborcea dropped
sebidelaborcea has left the game
david killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
BulleT connected
Xbox killed M0rT1feR with awp
*** Neamtu killed M0rT1feR with a headshot from awp ***
M0rT1feR : /rs
BulleT is joining the Terrorist force
SmC dropped
Neamtu killed JustMe with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
*** BulleT killed david with a headshot from awp ***
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed redd# with awp
*** BulleT killed Xbox with a headshot from awp ***
Neamtu killed BulleT with awp
SmC connected
rai2el is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
SmC is joining the Terrorist force
JustMe : /rs
*** ids*dgL bY element killed david with a headshot from awp ***
Neamtu killed SmC with awp
redd# : da?
*** [anu]Darkclan#BuT killed rai2el with a headshot from awp ***
*** Xbox killed M0rT1feR with a headshot from awp ***
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed redd# with awp
Neamtu killed BulleT with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
ids*dgL bY element : hai pe ei
rai2el is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
[anu]Darkclan#BuT killed SmC with awp
M0rT1feR : nu mi`am
*** redd# killed david with a headshot from awp ***
ids*dgL bY element killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
JustMe : /rs
JustMe killed Neamtu with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed redd# with awp
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
BulleT killed rai2el with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed BulleT with awp
rai2el dropped
rai2el has left the game
*** M0rT1feR killed Xbox with a headshot from awp ***
hendrix killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed M0rT1feR with awp
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
JustMe killed david with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
*** redd# killed Xbox with a headshot from awp ***
*** CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed BulleT with a headshot from awp ***
Neamtu killed SmC with awp
smantanosu connected
M0rT1feR killed hendrix with awp
redd# killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
Neamtu killed redd# with awp
*DEAD* ids*dgL bY element : scoate wall
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
golanu connected
*DEAD* hendrix : baaa
smantanosu is joining the Terrorist force
golanu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* redd# : g
ids*dgL bY element has had there typing fingers ripped off!!
[anu]Darkclan#BuT: Has Called Gaged/UnGaged
Neamtu killed M0rT1feR with awp
*DEAD* redd# : gg*
* Your rank is 1023 of 29521 with 86 kill(s), 322 hit(s), 62.77% eff. and 24.54% acc.
JoE dropped
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : /rank
(ALL) [anu]Darkclan#BuT : Anunta presupusii codati u@<nume> !!!
(ALL) [anu]Darkclan#BuT : Anunta presupusii codati u@<nume> !!!
(ALL) [anu]Darkclan#BuT : Anunta presupusii codati u@<nume> !!!
Xbox killed redd# with awp
smantanosu killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
(ALL) [anu]Darkclan#BuT : Anunta presupusii codati u@<nume> !!!
BulleT killed hendrix with awp
smantanosu killed david with awp
*DEAD* M0rT1feR : duten morti mati
smantanosu killed Neamtu with awp
BulleT killed Xbox with knife
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
JoE connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
golanu killed BulleT with knife
*DEAD* M0rT1feR : ed codat
JoE is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
smantanosu killed golanu with awp
*DEAD* hendrix : vb frumos ba
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player">WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player</a><!-- w --> dropped
anubis dropped
*DEAD* JoE : salut
SmC killed david with awp
WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player connected
smantanosu killed JoE with awp
golanu killed BulleT with awp
redd# : /rws
WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player is joining the Terrorist force
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
redd# : /rs
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
anubis connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
smantanosu killed Neamtu with awp
golanu killed redd# with knife
anubis is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Time Left: 16:50
golanu killed Tulfutz with awp
ADMIN [anu]Darkclan#BuT: change nick of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player">WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player</a><!-- w --> to "Tulfutz"
*** hendrix killed SmC with a headshot from awp ***
smantanosu killed golanu with awp
*** Xbox killed smantanosu with a headshot from awp ***
* <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player">WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Player</a><!-- w --> changed name to Tulfutz
M0rT1feR has left the game
oPeN^ dropped
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
ADMIN [anu]Darkclan#BuT: kick M0rT1feR
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
oPeN^ connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
hendrix killed Tulfutz with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed SmC with awp
oPeN^ is joining the Terrorist force
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
JoE killed JustMe with awp
BulleT killed golanu with awp
*** CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed smantanosu with a headshot from awp ***
M0rT1feR connected
BulleT killed hendrix with awp
Neamtu killed oPeN^ with awp
M0rT1feR is joining the Terrorist force
david : wsyyyee
*** BulleT killed Xbox with a headshot from awp ***
M0rT1feR : pt ce
M0rT1feR killed Neamtu with awp
*** BulleT killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with a headshot from awp ***
redd# killed david with awp
M0rT1feR killed anubis with awp
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : gg
BulleT killed JoE with knife
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
smantanosu killed JoE with awp
Xbox overflowed
Xbox has left the game
BulleT killed hendrix with awp
Neamtu killed oPeN^ with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed david with awp
Tulfutz overflowed
Tulfutz has left the game
hendrix dropped
hendrix has left the game
*** redd# killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with a headshot from awp ***
anubis killed smantanosu with awp
*** BulleT killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
anubis killed JustMe with awp
Neamtu killed SmC with awp
anubis killed BulleT with awp
[anu]Darkclan#BuT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
SmC dropped
SmC has left the game
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : nu schimbati?

*** M0rT1feR killed anubis with a headshot from awp ***
oPeN^ dropped
oPeN^ has left the game
redd# killed Neamtu with awp
*SPEC* smantanosu : da nu taci ?
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : eu?
*** M0rT1feR killed JoE with a headshot from awp ***
*DEAD* JoE : /rs
ids*dgL bY element killed Neamtu with awp
BulleT killed david with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
golanu killed redd# with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JustMe with awp
*DEAD* [anu]Darkclan#BuT : ii mananca coada
redd# dropped
redd# has left the game
*** smantanosu killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
Kicked by Console
] connect
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set
Server # 77
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Ingoring customization upload, couldn't find decal locally
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT connected
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
M0rT1feR killed anubis with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : ba tata am intrebat ceva frumosa
smantanosu killed anubis with awp
*** BulleT killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
smantanosu killed Neamtu with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : dai kick
BulleT killed JoE with awp
smantanosu killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
kondomcina dropped
Kicked by Console
] connect
Bad server address
] connect
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set
Server # 77
Microsoft PCM format only
Microsoft PCM format only
Ingoring customization upload, couldn't find decal locally
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT connected
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
BulleT killed JoE with awp
golanu killed smantanosu with awp
anubis killed JustMe with awp
anubis killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
david dropped
Neamtu killed M0rT1feR with awp
golanu killed BulleT with knife
Player dropped
*** smantanosu killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
] amx_who
*** anubis killed M0rT1feR with a headshot from awp ***
smantanosu killed JoE with awp
JustMe killed kondomcina with awp
] admin_who
anubis killed smantanosu with awp
anubis killed BulleT with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed Neamtu with awp
anubis killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT is joining the Terrorist force
[anu]Darkclan#BuT killed JustMe with knife
kondomcina dropped
kondomcina has left the game
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : /admin
Neamtu killed M0rT1feR with awp
Admini online: [anu]Darkclan#BuT, smantanosu
BulleT killed JoE with awp
*** golanu killed BulleT with a headshot from knife ***
Neamtu killed JustMe with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
M0rT1feR dropped
M0rT1feR has left the game
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
*** smantanosu killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
Contacteaza administratorul serverului
anubis killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
anubis killed smantanosu with awp
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : smantosule ce ai?
[anu]Darkclan#BuT : Eu ti-am dat kick !!!
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : dece tot dai kick?
[anu]Darkclan#BuT : Taci
smantanosu killed anubis with awp
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
smantanosu killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
golanu killed BulleT with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed golanu with awp
smantanosu killed JoE with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : okey da dc?
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
david connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
david is joining the Terrorist force
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed Neamtu with awp
Neamtu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
Time Left: 12:40
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JoE with awp
JoE : timeleft
*** david killed anubis with a headshot from awp ***
Neamtu killed david with awp
[S.W.A.T] *Warrior* connected
BulleT killed golanu with knife
[S.W.A.T] *Warrior* is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
smantanosu killed Neamtu with awp
BulleT killed [S.W.A.T] *Warrior* with awp
david is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
smantanosu killed anubis with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed Neamtu with awp
JustMe killed david with awp
BulleT killed golanu with knife
smantanosu killed [S.W.A.T] *Warrior* with awp
[S.W.A.T] *Warrior* dropped
[S.W.A.T] *Warrior* has left the game
JoE is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
JoE killed BulleT with awp
smantanosu killed anubis with awp
JustMe killed david with awp
JustMe (RADIO): Cover Me!
*** smantanosu killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed Neamtu with awp
smantanosu killed JoE with awp
Neamtu dropped
Neamtu has left the game
smantanosu killed david with awp
JoE killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
smantanosu killed golanu with awp
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed anubis with awp
ids*dgL bY element is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed JoE with awp
BAU is joining the Terrorist force
*** golanu killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with a headshot from awp ***
anubis killed BulleT with awp
JustMe killed anubis with awp
*** JoE killed JustMe with a headshot from awp ***
*DEAD* CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT : ah
golanu killed smantanosu with awp
*DEAD* BulleT : haha
[anu]Darkclan#BuT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
golanu killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
*** BulleT killed david with a headshot from awp ***
golanu killed BAU with awp
*** JustMe killed golanu with a headshot from awp ***
BulleT killed JoE with awp
*** anubis killed BulleT with a headshot from awp ***
smantanosu killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed JustMe with awp
anubis killed smantanosu with awp
*** anubis killed BAU with a headshot from awp ***
Time Left: 10:30
smantanosu killed david with awp
*DEAD* JoE : timeleft
JustMe killed golanu with awp
david dropped
david has left the game
[anu]Darkclan#BuT killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
smantanosu killed ids*dgL bY element with awp
smantanosu killed [anu]Darkclan#BuT with awp
JoE killed JustMe with awp
BulleT killed anubis with awp
JoE killed BulleT with awp
smantanosu killed JoE with awp
JoE killed smantanosu with awp
*DEAD* [anu]Darkclan#BuT : /rws
Vizitati <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
[anu]Darkclan#BuT killed CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT with awp
JoE killed BAU with awp
ids*dgL bY element killed JustMe with awp
golanu killed BulleT with knife
*DEAD* [anu]Darkclan#BuT : /rs
Famous connected
*** CoCa-CoLa^LiGhT killed anubis with a heads