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Alternative End Round Sounds
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Plays random music at the end of a round according to who wins,
instead of just "Terrorists Win" or "Counter-Terrorists Win".

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* Support mp3 and wav files
* Using a file for the sounds
* Per-map file supported
* Per-map prefix file supported
* Sounds can be toggle on/off by players
* Ability to choose x sounds ti be precache by map
* Multilingual support
* And more...

- - - - - - - - - -
* CS 1.6 / CZ
* AMXX 1.8.x or higher

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* ers_enabled <iNum>:
<0> Disable/Enable this plugin. (default: 1)
* ers_player_toggle <iNum> :
<0> Disable/Enable the client command /roundsound (default: 1)

* erc_time_ads <iTime> :
Times in seconds between 2 ads messages. 0 disable ads. (default: 120)
* erc_random_precache <iMaxTeam>

Specify how many sounds by team you want to precache randomly among all sounds.
This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( 0 = disable feature )

syntax : erc_random_precache <iMaxTeam>
i.e :
erc_random_precache "2" :
2 sounds will be choosen among all CTs sounds and all Ts sounds
erc_random_precache "2-3" :
2 Ts sounds will be choosen randomly among all Ts sounds
3 CT sound will be choosen randomly among all CTs sounds.
/!\ Don't forget to insert '-' .

Client commands:
- - - - - - - - - - -
* say /roundsound :
Give to players the ability to turn on/off the end round sounds

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Files locations:

./game_mod/addons/amxmodx/configs/roundsound.ini (if using default file 'roundsound.ini')
./game_mod/addons/amxmodx/configs/round_sound/mapname.ini (if using per-map config file)
./game_mod/addons/amxmodx/configs/round_sound/prefix-TYPE.ini (if using per-map config file by prefix)

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About ' roundsound.ini ' file:

This file have to be put in configs/ folder.

It's the default file. It supposed to be load on all maps if no files are found in /configs/round_sound/ folder.

About ' Per-map sound file ' :

You have to create a folder ' round_sound ' in the configs/ folder.

This plugin will automatically load any sounds listed in files having the following name :


Example: You want to load some sounds on de_dust map

You have to create a file de_dust.ini in configs/round_sound/ folder.

Exemple: You want to load some sounds on all maps beginning by 'de_'

You have to create a file prefix-de.ini in configs/round_sound/ folder.

About the syntax in file:

Syntax: "sound file" "team"

Exemple : "sound/my_folder/my_sound.wav" "T"
Exemple : "sound/my_folder/my_sound.mp3" "CT"

Firstly, prefix-xxx.ini file is read. If not found, it searches for mapname.ini file. If not found, it tries the file by default : roundsound.ini .

You have to specify a team name. "T" for Terrorists wins, or "CT" for Couter-terrorists wins.

N.B : Default sounds are from original thread. You can find anothers sounds posted by people.
- 20 sounds by kilatz : here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
- 6 sounds by DoGi : here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
- 2 sounds by Striker : here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
- 2 sounds by v3x : here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

EDIT: A new version is coming very soon with a lot of changes/features. (really a huge update)


Amxx 1.8.0 and higher is required now!
The online compiler is not up-to-date yet. Please compile on your computer or use the compiled plugin included in the package.

Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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